“Food For Thought” 英語ディスカッションセッション Wednesday, April 6/ 4月6日(水) 6PM〜

"Food For Thought” 英語ディスカッションセッションが、2022年3月から再開しました。





Food for Thought is a casual online discussion space for NU students in all programs to share ideas in English.

We talk about a topic that the host of the session has chosen. Any Nagoya University student can join.

Target audience/対象者:All NU students/ 一般日本人学生、国際プログラム学生

Day/開催日 :  Every other Wednesday except holidays 隔週水曜日(祝日以外) 

Time/時間 :  18:00-19:00

Zoom link information/ Zoom へのアクセス情報:https://nuss.nagoya-u.ac.jp/s/j9zcaH9NPzdBCom


"Food For Thought" Zoom 英語 Discussion  

Wednesday, April 6/ 4月6日(水) 6PM〜 "Sleep" / 「睡眠」

Host: Dillon

We spend around 1/3 of our lives sleeping, or at least attempting to sleep. When we were younger, I believe many of us disliked sleeping, and would prefer to spend our time playing or doing more productive stuff. Yet, as we grow older and our desire for sleep increases, our ability to do get quality sleep decreases due to work and stress. Let's share stories of our afternoon naps in labs, stories of going to school with only 3 hours of sleep, and stories of falling asleep in lectures at this week's Food For Thought!



<今後のFood for Thought とGame Nightの予定>

4/6 (水) 6pm - Food for Thought

4/13 (水) 6pm - Game Night

4/20 (水) 6pm - Food for Thought

4/27 (水) 6pm - Game Night