お知らせ:オンライン版「海外進学セミナー」”grad school abroad applications seminar” online space



Maria Vassileva先生指導のもと、G30学生たちが、世界中に飛び立ったG30卒業生にアポイントを取り、オンラインでインタビューし、映像を編集、サイトを作成しました。




Hello everyone! We want to introduce our online seminar G30 Beyond Graduation! We interviewed some of the G30 alumni who are currently studying abroad or working, and compiled their responses on a Google Classrooms platform. A lot of the advice they gave doesn’t just apply to the 4th years, but can be useful for kouhais as well.

To join the class, please click the link below:


The link to the classroom will only be valid until the end of this year, so please join soon! If the link has expired before you could join, please email us at nu.g30beyond@gmail.com.

We hope this online seminar can be helpful for everyone, not just those about to graduate. A lot of the alumni gave great advice for what you can do to prepare yourself for your bright future!

If you are a Nagoya University alumni currently in graduate school abroad or working, and you want to share your experience please contact us on nu.g30beyond@gmail.com.

G30 Beyond Graduation seminar team G30 Assoc. Prof. Maria Vassileva
