Registration for NU-EMI

Tutor "Candidate" Registration 2024 Spring

Teaching Assistant (TA) Registration

Lecture Registration by G30 Instructors

Forms and Information for Tutors , Teaching Assistants and Instructors

Tutor Activity Instructions 2024 Spring

Information about tutoring



Tutor document forms 2024 Spring

Thank you for being a NU-EMI tutor and I hope your tutoring is going out fine.
Here are the 4 documents that you need to submit. (For those that have other jobs at the university must submit the fifth document, too.) 


Find the documents from here Excel File /revised

The excel file is protected with a code. If you do not know the code, please ask the coordinator. 

And make sure not to change the code and submit the whole Excel book.


1. Tutoring Documents NUEMI2024 Spring

Form1_Tutor activity plan

    Submit by the Friday, May 17 2024. 



2. Tutoring Documents NU-EMI2024 Spring Form 2_Tutor activity report

    Submit by Friday, August 2, 2024. 

    Double check the content before you submit!



3. Tutoring Documents NUEMI2024 Fall _ Form 3_Class check

ClassCheck and Studentcard


4. Copy of your student ID (Both front and back side)

     Here is the Example: Example Form3 and student card


5. Overlap check list (Only if you have other jobs at the university) Overlap check Excel file

    Use this file to report the dates and times you worked in the university for each month that you had multiple jobs.  

Change the date on the colored cell of the very top of the work sheet to change it the month you want.        

This is a monthly report. However, you can submit all the reports for the period you tutored together with the rest of your tutor documents.


All documents may be submitted by hand or electronically via email, to the NU-EMI coordinator. When you submit by hand, we prefer you make an appointment with the coordinator.

Please submit all documents shortly after your last tutoring or by Friday, August 2, 2024


Note that payment procedures will be processed after all documents are submitted by all of the tutors. Therefore, if anyone misses the deadline, everyone’s payment schedule will be delayed. 


If you do tutoring online and don’t meet your tutee, or make and submit your documents electronically, the documents have to be confirmed by your tutee.

Details will be coming up soon.

If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact the coordinator.

Tutor Workshop -2024 Spring- May 13th- Info and slides

<Tutor workshop>

Date/time: Monday, May 13th from 12:10 to 12:50

Venue: ES conference room 1st floor ES building 

First time tutors are recommended to come.



From here, is the email sent to tutors after the workshop


Hi tutors! 

Thank you very much for attending the tutor workshop today! 


As for those that were not able to attend the workshop, here is a brief summary of the important things discussed during the workshop:

  1. Total hours of activity are at most 30 hours per semester
    (try to exceed a minimum of 15 hours within the semester and the final total number of hours MUST BE A WHOLE NUMBER)
  2. Deadlines for submissions (Tutor Activity Plan, May 17; Tutor Activity Report August 2) Please submit ON TIME!
  3. If possible, submit the EXCEL FILE (.xlsx) by email to
  4. For the tutors who will be graduating after this semester, please email us about when you are leaving Japan so that we can process the payment earlier. 
Additionally, attached below is the copy of the Tutor Workshop Slides.
Please feel free to email us if you have any questions or concerns!

Tutor Workshop -2023 Fall-

This pdf file is the presentation made by Gia at the workshop.

2023Fall tutor workshop presentation


Tutor Activity Instructions 2023 Fall

Tutor Activity Instructions 2023 Spring

Forms for tutors

2023 FALL Tutor Document Forms updated 2023/10/16

Thank you for being a NU-EMI tutor and I hope your tutoring is going out fine.
Here are the 4 documents that you need to submit. (For those that have other jobs at the university must submit the fifth document, too.) 


The forms below are PDF files. Please print them out and fill out by hand.

  Form 1, 2 and 3 PDF

You can also have them in an excel file and submit via email. Excel File

The excel file is protected with a code, so please ask the coordinator for the code. 

And make sure not to change the code when you submit.


1. Tutoring Documents NUEMI2023 Fall

Form1_Tutor activity plan

    Submit by the Friday, November 17 2023. 

    Here is the Example: Example Form1


2. Tutoring Documents NU-EMI2023 Fall Form 2_Tutor activity report

    Submit by Friday, February 2nd, 2024. 

    Here is the Example: Example Form 2

3. Tutoring Documents NUEMI2023 Fall _ Form 3_Class check

4. Copy of your student ID (Both front and back side)

     Here is the Example: Example Form3 and student card


5. Overlap check list (Only if you have other jobs at the university) Overlap check Excel file

    Use this file to report the dates and times you worked in the university for each month that you had multiple jobs.  

Change the date on the colored cell of the very top of the work sheet to change it the month you want.        

This is a monthly report. However, you can submit all the reports for the period you tutored together with the rest of your tutor documents.


All documents may be submitted by hand or electronically via email, to the NU-EMI coordinator. When you submit by hand, we prefer you make an appointment with the coordinator.

Please submit all documents shortly after your last tutoring or by Friday, February 2, 2024


If you do tutoring online and don’t meet your tutee, or make and submit your documents electronically, the documents have to be confirmed by your tutee.

Details will be coming up soon.


If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact the coordinator.

Information for Teaching Assistants(TA)

2021 Spring Teaching Assistants Conditions

coming soon.

Information for Instructors

Information for Instructors 2020 Spring

coming soon

Payment information

Certificate of Payment

Find here to find out how to access to your salary information.

How to access to your Certificate of Payment

Information for Short Term Employee

Notice or Employment [English]

You will sign this document when you are employed. 労働条件通知書 (Rodo-joken-tsuchisho) Please know what it says.

Notice of Employment with English 

When you get paid, you can check electronically from Portal or by this document. 給与支給明細書(Kyu-yo shaikyu meisaisho)

Payment Statement in English