“Food For Thought” Zoom 英語 Discussion  5月18日 “Music / ミュージック”

G30国際プログラムのTeaching Assistants (TA)たちの協力を得て交流の場として
"Food For Thought” 英語ディスカッションセッションを実施しています


毎週火曜日 18:00−19:00 

Zoom へのアクセス情報:https://nuss.nagoya-u.ac.jp/s/csNnHcWwcM6ic5k


"Food For Thought" Zoom 英語 Discussion  5月18日 "Music / ミュージック"

Host:  Moe, 

Co-host Haruki

Whether we like it or not, music is always engraved and associated with our memory. We spontaneously listen to music for pleasure, while some of us create them, and at times, circulate or perform them. My fun question to you for this week is, if you were to compose a soundtrack of your own life, which tracks would you choose, and why? We would love to hear your lovely experience with music!