The 2022 Overseas Graduate School Seminar 海外大学院進学セミナー開催のお知らせ

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The 2022 Overseas Graduate School Seminar 海外大学院進学セミナーを開催します。




日 時:2022年5月28日土曜日 10:00−16:30

場 所:ES総合館 1階 ESホール

スケジュール:10:00-13:00 人文科学系人文系講演

       14:00-16:30 理工系  理工系講演者

言 語:英語

要登録:5月21日(土)までにポスターのQRコードor  から登録してください


We know some of you are planning to go to graduate school.

For those who are but still don’t know what to expect or how to prepare before applying to your dream universities, no worries, we got you covered! We, the NU-EMI GSS Organizing Team, are honored to invite you to The 2022 Overseas Graduate School Seminar: Get Set For What’s Next.

During this seminar, you will have the opportunity to meet G30 alumni and 4th year senpais who recently got accepted into prestigious universities abroad. They will share with you their first-hand experience as well as some tips and advice on how to get yourself set for the long haul (aka the taxing, nerve-wracking grad school application process ). You will also have a chance to ask the senpais any questions you may have regarding grad school


The seminar will be conducted in person on Saturday, 28th May at ES Hall in the Engineering and Science Building.

The event will be separated into 2 sessions based on majors.The Social Science & Humanities session will be conducted from 10:00 - 13:00 while the Science & Engineering session will be from 14:00 - 16:30.

Speakers Science Edition  Humanities Edition


⭐️ We know how draining online events can be so just for you guys, we’re making this an in-person event.To sign-up, fill out the registration form using the QR code we provided. As a friendly reminder, because we are still in the midst of a pandemic, there will be a limited number of seats and priority will be given to those who sign up first