On Dec 10th The Overseas Grad School Seminar 2022 Fall/ 12/10 (土) 海外大学院進学セミナーのお知らせ


今日は、NU-EMI の海外大学院進学セミナー The Overseas Grad School Seminarのお知らせです。春学期のセミナーに引き続き、G30学生teamが企画してくれました。今回は、海外の大学院に進学するための準備の仕方など、G30教員と学生の両方からお話を聞ける貴重な機会です。ぜひ、ご参加くださいね。ここからGrad School Seminar Teamからのメッセージです。

✨Greetings everyone, hope November is treating you well✨
🍁 Now that the class of 2022 has safely graduated, it's time to gear toward a brand new academic chapter 🫡. If you're looking for suitable graduate school positions, or even entertaining the notion in the slightest, the NU-EMI Graduate School Seminar is the smartest place to begin! Join us to find a couple of multidimensional answers to this fundamental question:
'So, What's Next?'🎓
😇 The pros of attending this Seminar:
• getting to hear the first-hand experiences and struggles of the students who have already got into their dream universities and listen to the nerve-wracking journeys of our 4th year seniors who are currently applying.
• getting to hear about the tricky aspects of making a top notch admission application (aka writing SOPs and emailing prospective supervisors) from NU professors with different research backgrounds
🤓 The cons
• none that we know of! 🐡💨
DATE 日にち:   Saturday, December 10th 2022年12月10日 土曜日 

PLACE 場所:    ES building's meeting room 🏫 ES総合館 1F 会議室

LENGTH 時間:  2 sessions lasting from 10:00-12:00 Professors session 13:00-16:00 Seniors session 10:00-12:00 McGinty教授,  Iwata教授, Cartagena教授  13:00-16:00 G30学生体験とパネルディスカッション (詳細スケジュールは下のポスターをご参照ください)

MODE 方法:    Hybrid (in-person and online! Just make sure to scan the QR code provided prior to December 3rd) 対面&オンライン
言 語:  英語

登 録:  下のポスターのQRコードか、下のリンクから登録してくだい。


P.S. As a friendly reminder, because we are still in the midst of a pandemic, there will be a limited number of seats and priority will be given to those who sign up first 🏃🏻‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃  Looking forward to meeting you all!