NU-EMI Winter Party 12/16(金) 18:30-20:00 @Idea Stoa



さて、NU-EMIのG30学生とNU-EMI受講生で一緒に楽しむイベント、"Winter Party" のおしらせですよ。

ぜひご参加くださいね。 チューターはチューティー を、チューティー はチューターを誘ってくださいね。今学期の受講者、以前NU-EMIに登録したことある方、国際交流を楽しみたいNU-EMIに興味ある人、どなたも歓迎です!


日にち:2022年12月16日 金曜日

時 間:18:30 -20:00 (出入り自由)

場 所:NIC館 (Seattle Cafeの建物)1F Idea Stoa 

登 録:飲み物など用意する予定です。人数把握のためこちらから事前登録をお願いします。




"Helloo everybody, we hope you are taking good care of yourselves in this cold weather. NU-EMI and NUISG are once again back with the official NU-EMI “Winter Party” for the affiliated tutors, tutees, and former members. However, this year we have made it special by opening the party to whoever is interested in the NU-EMI and its projects. In our “Winter Party”, we have included many fun activities and socializing opportunities between the international and Japanese students. The event will be held at Idea Stoa on Dec 16th (Fri). To estimate the number of people attending the event,  we would like to kindly ask you to fill in a Google Form just for us to have a basis on making the necessary preparations such as snacks, etc. Feel free to invite other Meidai student(s) with you to the party and if possible, please ask them to register as well. We will see you very soon! Have a nice week!"
