Learn about JPort /JPortのご紹介



Hi, everyone. How are you? I hope you are enjoying the busy festive season.

Yesterday, NU-EMI had a meeting with JPort. Do you know them? Today I want to introduce you this wonderful company.

JPort https://jportjournal.com






JPort was founded in 2019, by Hiromi Karahashi a company to support international students who want to work in Japan.

The students can register for free and get so much information on basic job hunting in Japan and company information from Sempais who actually work there. They have lots of online and offline events, that you can join. We recommend you to register and get useful information if you are interested in working in Japan.

Here are some coming events that they shared with us.


  1. Job-hunting event for STEM students

The JPort Team would like to invite science, engineering, and computer science students to our online webinars:

Job-Hunting Event for Engineering and Science Students 

Date: December 13, 2022 (Tuesday) 

Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm JST

Sign-up form: https://jportjournal.com/career/event/detail/1049


Job-Hunting Event for Computer Science Students 

Date: December 20, 2022 (Tuesday) 

Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm JST

Sign-up form: https://jportjournal.com/career/event/detail/1052

Join us on December 13th and 20th where you can:

  • Discover job opportunities for STEM and engineering students at SONY and Kozo Keikaku Engineering (hiring STEM students even with N4 or N5 Japanese level!) 💼

  • Meet with global talents who recently got jobs in top companies in Japan from different STEM fields within the engineering field and outside of it 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

  • Gain tips to get a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in landing an engineering job. ✏️

Looking forward to seeing you there!

  1. Job-hunting event for Chinese students 

Date: December 21, 2022 (Wednesday) 

Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm JST

Sign-up form: https://jportjournal.com/career/event/detail/1048


Event Description in Chinese:

活动时间:2022 年 12 月 21 日(周三)18:30-20:00 

活动地址:Zoom オンライン 


预计时间:18:30-20:00 (90 分間) 



本次活动共邀请了 4 位嘉宾。 

其中作为就职前辈与我们分享经验的分别是目前联想(日本)公司的首席营销官刘女士,移动通 信资本的投资官苗先生。

 刘女士毕业于一桥大学,曾在宝洁、利洁时、强生、Folio 等公司负责营销工作,于 2020 年 7 月 开始担任联想(日本)的首席营销官。


JPort 还邀请了现任施耐德电子的应届生招聘负责人陈女士和她的同事王女士。施耐德电气公司 总部位于法国、全球销售额高达 3.8 万亿日元。 

JPort 邀请她们从求职者和招聘者的角度分享她们有关日本就职的经验。参与者可以从本次活动 中了解到相关业界的信息以及她们理想的求职者画像。嘉宾还会分享她们对于中国留学生就职活 动的优缺点分析。内容关键,不容错过,强烈推荐所有对在日就职感兴趣的中国留学生参与。 


  1. Christmas Career Networking Day - in person

Date: December 15, 2022 (Thursday) 

Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm JST

Venue: the Hive Jinnan in Shibuya (https://goo.gl/maps/24xj1dWyRDJvgMSU9)

Sign-up form: https://jportjournal.com/career/event/detail/1043


MEXT Scholars Association (MSA) and JPort by SPeak Corp. present Christmas Career Networking Day!

Join this free networking event for international students and senpais in person at the Hive Jinnan in Shibuya. 


You will be able to:

➡️ Meet your JPort senpais and alumni from MSA to share their experiences of job-hunting in Japan

➡️ Expand your network of professionals in Japan

➡️ Gain insights on what career would suit you best


🎄 Don't miss out on this chance to potentially meet someone who might help you get your first job!
