“Food For Thought” Zoom 英語 Discussion  9月8日は Changing Yourself がテーマ 

G30国際プログラムのTeaching Assistants (TA)たちの協力を得て交流の場として
"Food For Thought” 英語ディスカッションセッションを実施しています


毎週火曜日 18:00−19:00 

Zoom へのアクセス情報:https://nuss.nagoya-u.ac.jp/s/csNnHcWwcM6ic5k


Topic: Changing Yourself

Hosts: Yukina and Christina

Have you ever imagined a better version of yourself? How do you want to look to be that model you admire? Bigger eyes? Taller? Different skin tone? This week’s topic is on “body transformation” and its ethics. I personally had issues when I wanted to get my ears pierced. I was planning to get my ears pierced when I was in elementary school but my parents disagreed reasoning that people should appreciate what they are now, and not change their body forms artificially.

However, some may say that if body transformation provides confidences, and provides opportunities for good, it should not be discouraged. 

What are you thoughts? Let’s discuss together!