“Food For Thought” Zoom 英語 Discussion  9月15日”The Male Standard – Why We Need to Talk About Gender”

G30国際プログラムのTeaching Assistants (TA)たちの協力を得て交流の場として
"Food For Thought” 英語ディスカッションセッションを実施しています


毎週火曜日 18:00−19:00 

Zoom へのアクセス情報:https://nuss.nagoya-u.ac.jp/s/csNnHcWwcM6ic5k


Hosts: Christina and Fuko

Gender - a topic that makes people roll their eyes, leave the conversation or counter-argue with opinions. But we still need to talk Gender. Let's think about it: Who in your house does the housework, cooks and takes care of other chores? If your answer is: 'Of course my mother!', maybe you should think about it twice and join our next session for Food For Thought: We will talk about the differences between men and women in the context of different societies, as well as facts. It is not only that the wages for men and women are different - everything is. Men are the standard, and women the deviation. Did you know that medicine is produced for a 70 kg man and that many medical issues cannot be solved for women because the medication does not help? Or that women are more likely to be injured on the streets because they are more likely to be pedestrians, whereas men are more likely to drive vehicles? We will talk about all the different aspects of men vs. women and hope for you to join us on this journey!
Feel free to share your thoughts, invite friends and bring food 🙂
ジェンダーに関するテーマはすでに議論し尽くされており、ジェンダーと聞くと飽き飽きする方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。しかし、私たちはまだジェンダーについて話す必要があります。例えば、あなたの家では誰が家事や料理をしますか?もしあなたが「もちろんお母さんだよ」と答えるのであれば、あなたは今週のFood For Thoughtに参加し、今一度ジェンダーについて考えてみるといいでしょう。
ぜひお友達も誘って、気軽に参加してくださいね!ご飯やおやつ、飲み物もご自由にお持ち寄りください 🙂