“Food For Thought in Person!” 英語ディスカッションセッション Wednesday, July 13/ 7月13日(水) 6PM〜

*Food for Thought は7月20日、27日お休みです。 


皆さん、こんにちは。6月からFood for Thought は対面式に変わりますよ! 

Hi, everyone! From June, Food for Thought is going to be in person! 



Food for Thought is a casual discussion space for NU students in all programs to share ideas in English. We talk about a topic that the host of the session has chosen. Any Nagoya University student can join. Join in and have fun together!

Target audience/対象者:All NU students/ 一般日本人学生、G30国際プログラム学生

Day/開催日 :  Every Wednesday except holidays 水曜日(祝日以外)

Time/時間 :  18:00-19:00

Venue/場所:理学部E館1階自習室(元Craig`s Cafe)/ Former Craig's Cafe, 1st Floor Science Building E 

登録不要、Only in person/ 対面のみ *情報は随時更新していきますね。Information will be updated


< This week! >

"Food For Thought" 英語 Discussion  Wednesday, July 13/ 7月13日(水) 6PM〜 "Things we take for granted"/「当たり前に思ってしまっていること」

Host: Dillon

With the rapid advancement of human development and quality of life, many of us forget to take a step back and appreciate how big a part of our lives even the smallest pieces of technology has become. At this week's FFT, lets reflect on this, as we debate on the relative importance of these items to us.


<Past sessions>

"Food For Thought" 英語 Discussion  Wednesday, July 6/ 7月6日(水) 6PM〜 "Age" / 「年齢」

Host: Gia Linh

Last week, our Food for Thought had great time talking about High School life, which is quite related to our childhood. This triggers an idea from our FFT team: Why don’t we talk about “age” for this week? How did you celebrate your last birthday? Who is the oldest person you know? What do you know about their life? Is a person's age important in your culture? When you get old, do you prefer going to retirement homes or living with your children?

Any other questions that you can think of? Let’s visit Craig’s Cafe, enjoy snacks and drinks, and discuss “age” together!


"Food For Thought" 英語 Discussion  Wednesday, June 29/ 6月29日(水) 6PM〜 "My High School Life" / 「高校生活」

Host: Mariko

Hey everyone! High school was a very defining part of our life as we grew up. For some, high school was where we made our best friends and found our lifelong passions, while for others, it was a time of struggles and difficulties. No matter how our high school life turned out, most of us would agree that it was a nostalgic time that played a big role in defining our characters. Let's take time this Wednesday to share with each other our thoughts on the Japanese High School system, and share our nostalgic memories with everyone else at this week's Food For Thought!


*6/22(水)はお休み。代わりに6/24(金)に Game Night を開催します! 


"Food For Thought" 英語 Discussion  Wednesday, June 15/ 6月15日(水) 6PM〜 "Living Place" / 「住まい」

Host: Gia Linh

According to the Japan Times’ survey in 2018, “over 50 percent of people in Japan have considered living with or close to their parents”. Yet in many other cultures, people would live by themselves once they graduate high schools. As a college student, do you enjoy living with your parents or prefer to live alone? If you were to have your own place, how would it look like?

To expand on the topic, would you rather living in a suburban or a city area? Or can you describe a typical Japanese house design? There might be differences between living places in countries, too.

This Wednesday, let’s meet up in Craig’s Cafe, enjoy snacks (as always), and talk about Living Place together! 


"Food For Thought" 英語 Discussion  Wednesday, June 8/ 6月8日(水) 6PM〜 "Cooking" / 「料理」

Host: Gia Linh

Everyone can cook, but not all of us cook frequently. How often do you make food and eat it? Do you consider toasting bread, preparing instant noodles, or boiling an egg to be 'cooking'?
Why in many cultures, women cook more often than men, but in professional world, there are more male chefs than female chefs?

In this week Food for Thought, let’s sit down, have some snacks, and talk about “cooking” together!


"Food For Thought" 英語 Discussion  Wednesday, June 1/ 6月1日(水) 6PM〜 "Beauty" / 「美」

Host: Gia Linh

What is considered “beauty” to you?

The definitions of beauty vary across countries, cultures, and even individuals. It is also something that changes throughout history as social conditions and gender roles change… It might appear everywhere in media and everyday in your life.

Do you think that “beauty” affects the way you act? Let’s join our next Food for Thought and discuss “beauty” together!