Time Tables
NU-EMI Project 2023 FALL Timetable
・教員名の下の記号 “講義の種類”-“対象”-“方法”:”講義の種類”/ILAS(全学教育科目)U(G30学部講義)G(G30大学院講義)、”対象学生”:U(学部生)、G(大学院生)、UG(学部生、大学院生)、All(高校生、学部生、大学院生)、”方法”Hybrid( 対面オンライン両方)、Online(オンラインのみ)、記載なし(対面のみ)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
1st period (8:45~10:15) |
U-U-Hybrid |
Social Science Analysis and Methods I U-All |
Marc Humblet U-All-オンライン11/10から対面 |
Preparedness for Imminent Natural Disasters Emanuel Leleito ILAS |
2st period (10:30~12:00) |
(前期)Introduction to Skills for Academic Success ILAS-All |
Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics ILAS-All |
Comparative Law I (Common Law) U-UG
Introduction to Japanese Modern Literature U-U
ILAS-All |
Topics in Mathematical Science Ⅷ (Elliptic Operators and Index Theory) G-ALL |
Masaki Shigemori ILAS |
Marc Humblet ILAS-All-オンライン11/8から対面 |
G-UG |
3st period (13:00~14:30) |
ILAS- All |
Transnational and Minority Literature U-UG |
G-All |
International Society of Globalization Age ILAS-U |
ILAS-All |
Literature ILAS |
4st period (14:45~16:15) |
GELLOZ Bernard U-UG |
特殊講義(EU法)(E) Advanced Lecture (European Union Law)(E U-UG |
U-UG |
[remote]Introduction to Film History(From2022) U-U-Online |
ILAS-U-Hybrid |
Fundamentals of Earth Science 1, Marc Humblet ILAS-Al-オンライン 11/6から対面 |
Introduction to Life Sciences B ILAS-All |
ILAS-All |
Introduction to Intercultural Competence ILAS(共修)- |
5st period (16:30~18:00) |
Introduction to Career Development Theory ILAS-U |
U-All |
U-U |
ILAS(共修)-All-Online |
6st period (18:15~19:45) |
SML: Mathematics for machine learning ILAS(共修)-All |
SML: Introduction to stochastic calculus ILAS(共修)-All
Course Lists
